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I’m pleased to announce that Matt Glaman and I have begun working on a follow-up to the Drupal 10 Development Cookbook! Our Drupal 11 Development Cookbook will follow the Drupal 11 release as a companion book for site builders and developers.

The Drupal 10 Development Cookbook, co-authored by Matt Glaman and me (Kevin Quillen), was very well received and has helped many users install and build with Drupal 10. The book has promoted global Drupal adoption and has helped people understand the breadth of options available in Drupal from no-code/low-code to full-on development.

We’ve heard success stories about the Drupal 10 Development Cookbook from newcomers and veterans alike at conferences, virtual meetings, and over email. This extremely positive feedback encouraged us to create a cookbook for Drupal 11!

If you don’t have the Drupal 10 Development Cookbook yet, here’s an overview of the chapters it includes:

    1. Up and Running with Drupal
    2. Content Building Experience
    3. Displaying Content through Views
    4. Extending Drupal with Custom Code
    5. Creating Custom Pages
    6. Accessing and Working with Entities
    7. Creating Forms with the Form API
    8. Plug and Play with Plugins
    9. Creating Custom Entity Type
    10. Theming and Frontend Development
    11. Multilingual and Internationalization
    12. Building APIs with Drupal
    13. Writing Automated Tests in Drupal
    14. Migrating External Data into Drupal

The Drupal 11 Cookbook will revamp all existing content to align with new features, changes, and updates in Drupal 11 while including new chapters and content on the following subjects.

Recipes are reusable snippets of configuration templates that rapidly add features to a Drupal website, and they’re a new feature in Drupal. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to apply and use Recipes from the community and how to create your own.

The Access Policy API provides a way to grant or revoke permissions based on any given environmental variable. This can range from info about a currently logged-in user, the time of day, the active URL, or any parameter the user requires that is then cached in the user permission tree. This chapter will show you how to use the Access Policy API and how to develop your own policies.

Want to upgrade to Drupal 11?

Our Triple Certified Drupal Expert can help you create a plan to upgrade to Drupal 11 and work with you to execute it.

When used correctly, artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful accelerator for a variety of tasks. Drupal has a robust integration with AI and popular AI providers. This chapter will show you how to add AI to your Drupal site and custom scenarios for using it to augment your day-to-day tasks.

New to Drupal, Automated Updates help keep your site secure and up to date for you automatically. Project Browser allows you to browse and obtain new modules to add features to your Drupal site, all from within Drupal’s admin settings. This chapter will show you how to use both.

Did you know you can now run Drupal in a browser? Thanks to a technology called Web Assembly, we’ll show you how. This is useful for taking a tour of Drupal and evaluating some of its features. After this, we’ll show you how to install and run Drupal on your machine so you can dive into all Drupal offers.

You’ve developed some features and configured Drupal — how do you get it to production? We’ll show you failsafe techniques for building and deploying Drupal into your server environments using technologies like GitHub Actions and GitLab CI.

This is just a preview of what's to come. Be on the lookout for future posts with more details on the Drupal 11 Development Cookbook!

In the meantime, if you want to learn more about Drupal 11, contact us, and we would be happy to chat with you.


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